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So, who is Sean Hayes and why are we talking about him? Well, he’s a traveler trying to spread a message, through literature and from his experiences traveling the world. He’s got three books in the making about his travels and all of the things he’s learned in the process. We’ll let him take it from here though with a little bit about why he loves to travel, a poem of his and some descriptions of the books he’ll be releasing. Meet Sean Hayes What I love most about traveling is that when I leave everything and everyone I know behind, I feel free to create myself anew each minute.  When I say this I refer to the fact that at home I wake up, may go to work or see our friends, but through all of this I keep myself refined to the role I have created.  When I travel I can just be myself.  I can make friends with anyone, I can sing if I want, read books, go swimming, play cards, write, go skateboarding, explore the city, meet crazy street people and talk about life… There is no one to judge me and all the excitement and optimism I have when I travel I give back to those who cross my path Primarily when I travel I have my backpack, my skateboard and that’s about it.  I stay in cheap hostels, make local friends, eat where they eat and it doesn’t make a difference if I’m in a nice hotel or not it only matters who is there.  I can honestly say I enjoy tasting, touching, hearing, smelling and seeing everything I can in this world and I’ll catch up on sleep when I’m dead!  I couldn’t think of anything in my life that has been more valuable than traveling for my writing.  I have learned a lot about our world, which in turn has taught me a lot about myself. Check out one of my poems, through which I found inspiration for while traveling, below: Existence Precedes Essence Child is born unto this earth, responsible for his essence forth. How to live he hopes to find, by looking towards all mankind.   Boy sashays into the world, his spirit grows as he uncurls. He see’s that most are at a loss, they’ve overpaid for all life’s… Continue Reading