Hosting a massive 80,000 miles of cable (in its two main lines) and spanning almost 9,000 feet in length, the Golden Gate bridge is a feat amongst bridges, built in 1933 and finished in 1937. I’d like you to imagine what building something so massive, in those years, was like.
It’s a beautiful bridge to stand on, or gaze upon from a distance, and every vantage point offers something new. The hardest of all angles, but one that I’d love to get, is from the top. If anyone’s reading this that can make it happen, let me know and lets get it done!!!
We would love to hear from you! Have a specific color, theme, or style you would like to see for next week’s Wallpaper Wednesday? Let us know and we’ll head into our archives, or take a picture, just for you! Enjoy your free Golden Gate wallpaper and have a beautiful day.
All you have to do is click HERE to open the full size version in a new window, then right click and hit save image. You can also just click and drag the image onto your desktop or folder of choice.
Please note that we encourage downloading of these images solely for personal use, all copyright laws do apply. If you would like to use any of the images for any other purposes please do feel free to send us an email with more information and we’ll be more than happy to get back to you!
Shot With:
Body: Canon 7D
Lens: EF 70-300mm f/4.5-5.6L IS USM
Focal Length: 300mm
Settings: f /9 at 1/320 seconds
ISO: 400
San Francisco is great town! I lived 3 monthes.
Yea it’s not too bad. Except for the excessive amounts of stop signs lol =D