hoyo de pelempito, valley, huge, nature, landscape

Hoyo De Pelempito – Timelapse

The “Hoyo De Pelempito” is located in the South West of the Dominican Republic. It’s a journey to get to this place as it’s located, literally, in the middle of nowhere. The drive felt even longer because we wanted to be 100% sure that our car would make it up some of the hills that we went down. We stopped on steep slopes to check by foot and took our time driving just to be sure. If we would’ve gotten stuck we would of had to walk many hours through pine forest to get to the last house that we saw. Not only that but there was no phone signal.

Luckily for us, there wasn’t any rain so the roads were nice and dry. We finally made it to the parking lot and walked about five minutes to get to a roofed-balcony-house thing. From there the view was incredible. Miles and miles of open valley with clouds hovering above casting shadows on the hillsides. Shortly after arriving I set up my camera to capture all of the motion that would occur in the next hour. Check out the time lapse below.

If you notice there was some flicker and movement in this one. I’ve been testing out a few different ways of capturing time lapses so I can see what works and what doesn’t. Come back later for a Time Lapse Tutorial after I figure out all of the tips and tricks to getting an epic time lapse.

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