faucet, water, splash, still

Challenge Yourself to a Photo Project

No one is immune to the occasional creative block; whether experienced or new to photography, it happens to the best of us. Some photographers loose inspiration and others simply don’t know what to take pictures of. One thing that I have found helps get the creative juices flowing is Photo Projects.

Photo projects can be very easy to do, but you can make them very challenging. The idea is simple and this is just one of many possibilities:

Step 1: Assign yourself a shape, color, focal length, equipment type or setting. This is good because it gives you a general guideline of what to shoot. For my example I chose the theme of circles.

Step 2: Starting from anywhere you want (your house, the grocery store, underwater, my house etc…) look for objects that match your theme.

Step 3: Start taking pictures! I usually set my minimum amount of pictures taken to fifteen. That’s fifteen different objects not fifteen shots of the same thing from different angles.

Step 4: Import all of your pictures and select the best three. Take a look at those three pictures and ask yourself what makes it a good picture and if anything could have been done to make it a better picture. This helps you for future compositions. It teaches you to look around the photo to see if there is anything that you would have done differently if you could take the picture again. Also, by selecting only three pictures it teaches you to be critical of your work.

Step 5: Share your pictures with friends, family, online and anywhere you can to get constructive criticism or to simply show off your work! Having other people judge your work helps you see things that sometimes you wouldn’t notice.

Step 6: Take a look at my top three selection from my “Circles” photo project below.

Step 7: Leave a comment below =)

Step………just kidding. Well actually, go out and do a photo project now! Stop reading this and go. Time’s a wasting =P.

circles (1 of 1)

circles (1 of 1)-3




    1. Just saw this! You can do it hash tagged through #wtabtravelpics for Instagram, or any other network, and send us an email letting us know you’ve done so so I can get started =D

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